Comic Book Movies - The Best and Worst

If you were to rate the best and worst comic book movies, what movies would your list contain? You probably admire the adaptation of certain features of characters or the use of certain super weapons that just made that comic worth watching as long as you could. However, let me break it down in a way that we all can agree the best and the worst comic book movies.

The spider-man series is likely one of the best adapted books into a movie that all age genres can watch. The use of almost real graphics to depict the war scenes is a classic. Iron Man is also undoubtedly another of the comic book movies that changes the whole illusion aspect. While most super power movies let us feel just the surface of illusion and we never really get into the depth of the characters, Iron Man and its sequel Iron Man 2 really get you into the reality of illusion. Robert Downey Jr does not disappoint his fans as the man behind the iron contraption.

When it comes to Persepolis, one movie critic defined it as a cinematic poetry in black and white. The movie is a powerful animation of the power of resilience. Coupled with an unflagging sense of humor, Persepolis revolves around the tale of a young woman's quest in search of freedom in an oppressive regime.

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